Movies by Jean-Pierre Chevènement

Maastricht, 30 ans après

Mitterrand, the impossible legacy
“I am the last of the great Presidents. After me, there will be no more ..." said François Mitterrand at the end of his life. What legacy left the first socialist president of the Fifth Republic? Documentary filmmaker Bertrand Delais and a host of French intellectuals such as Laurent Fabius, Hubert Védrine, Julien Dray, Dominique Bertinotti, Jean-Pierre Chevènement and Bruno Roger-Petit take a look into what that means.

Le Diable de la République : 40 ans de Front national

Ministre ou rien
This is the unlikely story of 21 ministers and prime ministers who have crossed or are crossing the french Fifth Republic today. Twenty-one politicians who, from one day to the next, find themselves at the head of a ministry by the grace of a President of the Republic and his Prime Minister. The formation of the government, conflicts of attribution, reshuffles, rumours of appointments, evictions, casting errors: it is all the capricious backstage of the games of power examined here under the angle of confidence and which sheds light on the p...

De Gaulle, l'homme à abattre