Movies by Viliam Polónyi

The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men

The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men

Seven people waiting for their death. A group of assasins - three men and two women - and Gypsy thief spend their time in prison to be tucked up.

Skrytý prameň

Skrytý prameň

O tom, ako šibal Peterko mäsiara Kocha prekabátil

O tom, ako šibal Peterko mäsiara Kocha prekabátil

Statky zmätky

Statky zmätky

The Barnabás Kos Case

The Barnabás Kos Case

In this bitingly satirical film Peter Slovan, a continuous source of trouble for the film functionaries of the socialist Slovakia, tackles an evergreen topic – the corruptive effects of power. Barnabáš Kos, a triangle player at a symphonic orchestra, is suddenly promoted to serve as the head of the said institution, even though both he and his superiors deem him completely unfit for the task. Encouraged in equal parts by this unexpected recognition and the servile praise of his colleagues, Kos’s modesty starts to gradually vanish. The erstwh...

Dies irae

Dies irae

A 1984 Slovak language drama film directed by Martin Tapák.

Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa

Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa

Rekviem za rytierov

Rekviem za rytierov



Pán si neželal nič

Pán si neželal nič

Neďaleko do neba

Neďaleko do neba

Naši pred bránami

Naši pred bránami

A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village home blinded by the vision of a big career and easy earning of money in the capital city.

Volanie démonov

Volanie démonov

Stávka o Leokádiu

Stávka o Leokádiu

Television movie based upon motives of novel "Dávid Šťúbrik" by G. K. Zechenter - Laskomerský. Supposed natural healer Dávid is infamously known to worsen the health of people he heals. His daughter and town notary make him face a serious problem.



Stratený list

Stratený list



Hriech Kataríny Padychovej

Hriech Kataríny Padychovej



Vták nociar

Vták nociar