Movies by Emília Vášáryová

The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men

The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men

Seven people waiting for their death. A group of assasins - three men and two women - and Gypsy thief spend their time in prison to be tucked up.

Známost sestry Aleny

Známost sestry Aleny

Charleyho teta

Charleyho teta

The Copper Tower

The Copper Tower

A dramatic story of three friends happily spending time on their own in a mountain cottage in the High Tatras. On the arrival of the wife of one of them their perfect friendship is put to a test.

Milan Čorba

Milan Čorba

Peter a Lucia

Peter a Lucia

Nebezpečné známosti

Nebezpečné známosti

The beautiful, bright and intelligent, but perfectly mischievous Marquise de Mertuil and her charming and equally depraved and ruthless friend, the master of seduction Vicomte de Valmont play a cynical game full of intrigue. The marquise is willing to devote one night full of passion to the viscount. However, on the condition that the viscount first deflowers the innocent Cecile de Volanges, who is to marry her former lover. In the end, they themselves become victims of their own dangerous game.

Mladé letá

Mladé letá

Variácie slávy

Variácie slávy

Lidé z maringotek

Lidé z maringotek



Fanny is ten year old girl and a very talented gymnast, but suddenly she's getting seriously injured and ends in a wheelchair.

Jankove hračky

Jankove hračky

Dobrodružstvo pri obžinkoch

Dobrodružstvo pri obžinkoch



Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass

On Christmas Eve, 1944, in Nazi-occupied Slovakia, the Kubiš family grapples with survival amidst brutal reprisals. Marián collaborates as a fascist guard leader, while his sister Angela has an affair with their Nazi lodger, Major Brecker. The situation escalates when their younger son, Juraj, a former partisan fighter, returns home wounded. As Germans search homes for escapees, Juraj hides in the attic, while an unsettling Christmas dinner unfolds below with Major Brecker present.



Mário a kúzelník

Mário a kúzelník

Svadba Arneho Jurgu

Svadba Arneho Jurgu

Kto odchádza v daždi...

Kto odchádza v daždi...

Ženský zákon

Ženský zákon