Movies by Evgeniy Grishkovec

Short Waves

Short Waves

Five novels about a radio network in our life. Someone use it as a tool for influence, someone for an expression of feelings and someone just for cynical calculation.



Lev Nikolaevich, Levanka, Levochka, as his many friends call him, is a successful, glamorous, Moscow photographer. He's smart, good-natured. And he is an absolutely cynical person who can be rude to people. He lives in a world where talent, success and fame are valued above all else. At the same time, he is very childish, but does not realize this. The childhood fears are still inside him.

Dad the Terrible

Dad the Terrible

Tsar Ivan The Terrible wounds his son to death after they have a !ight – just like in the famous painting by Repin. To !ix what happened Tsar attempts to travel back to the past using a magic spell book. Yet things don’t go according to the plan, and Tsar gets into our times where he meets the Osipovs family. Nikita Osipov has no luck in his !ield - archeology and is an unfortunate father. He divorced his wife and lost touch with his son and daughter. Now they have to !ind the spell book, so that Tsar has a chance to save his son. Adventure ...

Wake Me Up

Wake Me Up

After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld