Movies by James Nam Seok-Hoon

Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu
Japanese forces in Shanghai attempt to destroy the patriotic spirit of the Chinese by closing down all Kung Fu gyms. Chang Ling (Bruce Le), a top Chinese Kung Fu practitioner, is forced to flee to Korea. The Japanese forces pursue him there, and so Chang Ling fights back, defeating many Japanese fighters before finally encountering the Japanese commander.

The Thunder Kick
One man takes on a cartel headed by three brothers, who are responsible for the savage beating of his mother and the murder of his brother.

The Secret Rivals
Two rivals, Sheng from the South and Shao from the North, have one common enemy, the Silver Fox. The Silver Fox killed Shao's parents and robbed from Sheng's palace. When each one fails to defeat Silver Fox, the two decide to team up and win.

The Deadly Chase

The Golden Lion
Director Ho Meng-hua is one of Shaw Studio's most versatile directors. He's helmed romances, mysteries, award-winning dramas, contemporary action films, historical costume dramas, fantasies, and, finally, popular swordplay movies. The title character in this one is a chivalrous thief who raises the jealous ire of the rival Red Shirt Gang. There's plenty of action in this adventure, which sweeps from the plains to the mountains ... to the sound of slashing swords.

The Fierce One
James Nam and Johnny Taylor star in Jaws of the Dragon. This martial arts extravaganza concerns two rival factions in the Far East. In "Hatfields and McCoys" fashion, one group gradually decimates the other and vice versa.

Treasure of Bruce Le
In "Treasure of Bruce Le," a Samurai steals the Kung Fu secrets of the Shaolin Buddhists. Now Bruce must fight the powerful Samurai for control.

Ninja vs. Bruce Lee
When the insidious Japanese Ninja is corrupting the police force, only one man can take on the cunning enemy from the land of the rising sun! With powerful clashes of Ninjitsu and Chinese kung fu, Ninja vs. Bruce Lee is kick-butt Bruce Le action galore! Cut 'n' paste job courtesy of Joseph Valesco with footage from Return of Bruce, My Name Called Bruce, and Enter the Game of Death.

A Tooth for a Tooth
Kung fu sensation Cheung Lik stars as the rough and ready kung fu kid who is tricked into robbing a triad boss. Amongst the things he steals is a contract for opium distribution between the triad boss and the Japanese Yakuza. Now the stage is set for some hate! The triads and the Japs send out all their top fighters to get the list back off the kid before he goes to the police with it.

The Thunderbolt Fist
A small village is taken over by the nasty Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the Thunderbolt Fist with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese.
Kill the Shogun
Action-drama set during the 1904 occupation of Korea (by Japan). An incident is sparked when the Japanese force the Korean soldiers to strip off their uniforms. Two of the Korean soldiers refuse and go on a rampage against the Japanese, forcing them to take their uniforms off.
The Money-tree
Hong Kong comedy film.