Movies by Gregory Snegoff

Alma and the Zoramites

Alma and the Zoramites

Zoram and his prideful people have corrupted their religion which teaches them to boast of their righteousness and persecute the poor. Alma and Amulek fail to persuade the rich Zoramites to repent. Alma ministers to the poor believers and teaches one of the most important lessons on faith and humility. Zoram forces the believers in Antionum from their land where they finally find refuge with Lamanite converts in Jershon.

Spider-Man: Don't Hide Abuse

Spider-Man: Don't Hide Abuse

Spider-Man: Don’t Hide Abuse is a 1990 animated educational short film. In it, Spiderman explains how to deal with abuse.

Spider-Man: Smart Kids Play It Safe

Spider-Man: Smart Kids Play It Safe

Spider-Man provides a children's safety guide about walking home from school and being home alone.

Spider-Man: What To Do About Drugs

Spider-Man: What To Do About Drugs

Spider-man teaches how to say no to drugs and why, including negative effects they have on the body.