Movies by Anita Stewart

The Classmate's Frolic
A comedy about a group of school girls who bring a street musician to school with them.

The Combat
Muriel Flemming secretly marries Graydon Burton before he heads West to make his fortune. Later, when he is about to board a train to return to his wife, he is accused of a murder that was actually committed by crooked attorney Herman Slade.

Romance of a Rogue
A low-key silent drama of a man seeking vengeance on the villain whose lies sent him to prison on the night of his wedding.

Sowing the Wind
When Rosamond, a convent girl, discovers that her mother is Baby Brabant, a notorious queen of Petworth's gambling house, her ideals are shattered and she denounces her mother's life.

The Great White Way
Comic boxing tale was used as the basis for the 1936 Clark Gable/Marion Davies lark Cain & Mabel.

The Goddess
A young girl is reared on a desert island by natives and led to believe that she is a goddess. One day an outsider comes to the island, and persuades her to accompany him to preach about the kindness and love she has experienced. She agrees, but she's soon confronted by the problems and travails of the "outside" world.

A Million Bid
Agnes Belgradin is in love with a young doctor, Loring Brent. When Agnes' father dies, her mother takes her on a trip abroad. She insists that the young couple separate before they set sail, and promises that if they still love each other after a year they can reunite. But Mrs. Belgradin intercepts all the letters Agnes and Brent write one another, and convinces her daughter to marry a wealthy Australian millionaire.

The Lodge in the Wilderness
Jim Wallace, a young engineer, is engaged by Hammond, manager of an estate in the Northwest, to build flumes for a logging camp, but Donovan, the superintendent, dislikes him and places numerous obstacles in his way. Virginia Coulson, owner of the estate, and her maid Dot arrive, and when Hammond proposes to Virginia, she refuses his declaration in favor of Jim. Later, when Donovan is found murdered, suspicion points to Jim, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Hammond gets evidence on the murderer, Goofus, a half wit, and pl...
Shadows of the Past
Mark Stetson, a scheming politician, entangles the Brandons, husband and wife, and their friend, Antoinette, in his smuggling schemes and engineers their arrest, to protect himself. Edited into Shadows of the Past (1919).

Isle of Sunken Gold
Isle of Sunken Gold is a 1927 American adventure film serial directed by Harry S. Webb. The film was long considered to be lost, however, chapters 4, 5, and 6 and reel 1 of chapter 7 were recently discovered in a European archive and retranslated back into English. A sea captain obtains half of a map directing him to an enormous treasure on a south sea island. The princess who rules the island possesses the other half of the map, and together they fight off the pirates and natives who would prevent their retrieval of the treasure.

The Juggernaut
Back in college, John Ballard saved Philip Hardin's life. Twenty years later, John is the district attorney and Philip is president of a railroad notorious for its accident record. When John brings a suit against the railroad, Philip threatens to reveal a ruinous secret about John unless he drops the case. Meanwhile, a railroad inspector discovers that the trestle over which an express train carrying Philip's daughter is about to pass is in eminent danger of collapse.

Never the Twain Shall Meet
Exemplifying Kipling's adage, a white man falls to pieces when he is in the South Seas.
A Red Cross Martyr; or, on the Firing Lines of Tripoli
Lieutenant Troyano, a young Italian officer, bids his sweetheart, Marie Petrini, a fond farewell and then rushes to war. In reading a detailed newspaper account of the battle, Marie sees an appeal for Red Cross nurses. Leaving her luxurious home and arriving at Tripoli, she takes up the duties assigned to her. She is beloved by all who require her services

Baree, Son of Kazan
Wolfdog pup, Baree, is nursed back to health by a trapper's daughter after being caught in one of the traps.

Her Kingdom of Dreams
A young girl living a secluded and unsophisticated life is suddenly thrust into a great wealth and a frightening social whirl.

The Glory of Yolanda
A Russian peasant girl becomes a member of the Imperial Ballet.
A Question of Honor
Wealthy Anne Wilmot vacationing along with her aunt Katherine at her fiancé Leon Morse's (Hull) Arizona mountain lodge discovers his plot to destroy a nearby hydroelectric engineering project in order to obtain the land for his railway. She thwarts the sabotage but find herself in a life and death struggle.
Sisters of Eve
Young London realtor Leonard Tavernake becomes involved with two sisters, one good and one evil, which leads to much melodrama but things work out in the end.
Song of the Shell
Suffering with ennui, bored by society, Annie Bradley, a wealthy girl, is anxious to make her time more profitable by doing something worthwhile.

Wild Geese
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.