Movies by Natalia Grez

Phantom Project

Phantom Project

Waiting for his big dream (a film role) to come true, Pablo works as a training actor in a patient-care programme at a medical faculty and a paid participant in group therapy sessions. To make ends meet, he sublets a room in his apartment in a suburb of Santiago de Chile. However, he seems to have lost control when his housemate departs, leaving him with rent arrears, a collection of plants, a dog, a woolly jumper, and... a house ghost. Pablo is 30, and when it comes to romance he is also chasing apparitions. He is secretly still in love wit...

Ni una caricia

Ni una caricia

Rayen is a young theater student who has recently been infected HIV. She lives her illness in silence, as does her new gay friend: Manuel. Everything begins to get complicated when her ex-boyfriend Fiodor reappears after two years of absence and tries to seduce her



Ana is about to start her trip to another country, leaving V{ictor. She comes back to Chile to re-encounter with Andrés. Brief instances of her life seem to melt like in a mirror.