Movies by Jordan Maxwell

A documentary examining possible historical and modern conspiracies surrounding Christianity, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Federal Reserve bank.

Lucifer 2000
Anthony J. Hilder and Jordan Maxwell's first film, is an "overview" of the American Illuminati's plan to bring this planet under the dictates of gargantuan Global Government by the turn of the century.

Matrix of Power
Who really runs the world? Who controls the money, the politics, and almost every facet of life without you knowing a thing about it? Is such a thing possible? Jordan Maxwell grew up in a family that had high-ranking insiders in international politics and religion, so had access to information that few people could imagine. He continued with a lifetime of investigation and is now considered the worlds foremost authority on ancient religions and modern conspiracies.

The Hidden Dimension in World Affairs
The Hidden Dimension in World Affairs is one of Jordan Maxwell’s most controversial subjects. It emphatically displays Vatican ties to some of the highest crimes in humanity past and present. A must see for anyone in search of this knowledge.

Alien Highway
In the 1990s, rumors of recovered crashed flying saucers emerged from a phantom, top secret air base in a remote corner of Nevada's atomic test range, and the terms 'Area 51,' 'Dreamland' and 'Groom Lake' inspired hordes of UFO believers and researchers to descend on a tiny town on the border of Area 51 to trade stories, whisper secrets and watch the skies. Filmed over several years of two UFO buffs on their own personal search for the truth, 'Alien Highway' is about the people whose passionate obsession created a unique cultural phenomenon ...

Moses: The Law Giver
Moses has played one of the most profound roles in Western society, but who was he and where did he truly receive his ‘laws’? Also, what is the Holy Soma which is so adamantly respected in the Bible? Find out this, and much more!