Movies by Richard Lee Jackson

The Prisoner of Zenda, Inc.
When young computer genius Rudy inherits his father's business his avaricious uncle has him kidnapped and held hostage until the boy signs off all rights to the lucrative enterprise. Not wanting the uncle to control, a pair of corporate executives happen upon a youth who looks just like the missing heir. In hopes of keeping the business afloat, they substitute him at the board meetings.

Avenging Angel
A preacher becomes a bounty hunter after a group of refugees seeking shelter in his church is murdered by a gang of ruthless outlaws.

Hope Ranch
J.T. Hope, a former police officer and marine, owner of a ranch called "Circle Hope Ranch" decides to start a program for troubled teens on his ranch to help rehabilitate them and help them get out of the life of crime, drugs and other bad things. Hope starts the program and 3 boys are brought in to the new program. J.T. has 2 good friends who work with him on the ranch, Shorty, and Colt Webb, a former juvenile delinquent who was given a second chance with the help of J.T. Hope.