Movies by Oldřich Navrátil

Incomplete Eclipse
Marta (Lucie Patikova) was blinded in an accident brought on by her careless and indulgent younger sister. Now in a school for the blind, Marta keeps up her hope that she will one day see again, mainly because her mother - out of good intentions - has led her to believe that the blindness is only temporary. Before long, Marta comes to realize that her condition will last until she dies, and she begins to despair, hating her mother for giving her false hope. Only a dedicated psychologist, Dr. Mos (Oldrich Navratil) seems to have the means of ...
Vašíček a lesní muži

Nahota na prodej
Dítě hvězdy
Svatba s generálem
Bitva na kopci

Rumbling is a dramatic feature film based on a true contemporary story, spiced with real-life events taken from media reports mixed in. It showcases tales of domestic violence, acts of self-defense, standing up for what is right and helping victims in need. The film is about an endangered human archetype, one whose sense of justice and freedom of speech borders the edge of law and social norms. It was originally planned as a documentary about people whose nature defies societal norm. This background gives the film a credible amount of crude ...
Bičianka z doliny
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.

Opera ve vinici
Zlatá panna

An Accident
Komtesa Mary
Sežeňte Mozarta!
Zakázaný výlet
Hrom do kapelníka

When on the mountains, so to Špindl. In the snowy Špindlerův Mlýn the sisters Eliška, Katka and Magda go to the women's ride in the full-length winter comedy Špindl. They plan to enjoy relaxation, fun and perhaps a bit of love adventure. Eliška is fine, but Katka and Magda were already thirty and are still single. Does the right one appear in winter snow? It is certain that they will meet other participants and entertaining figures, and during the weekly stay, all of them will get an avalanche of love and livelihoods.
Charaktery a lásky
Kouzelné dřeváky