Movies by Slavoj Žižek

Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution

Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution

In 1794, French revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre produced the world's first defense of "state terror" - claiming that the road to virtue lay through political violence. This film combines drama, archive and documentary interviews to examine Robespierre's year in charge of the Committee Of Public Safety - the powerful state machine at the heart of Revolutionary France. Contesting Robespierre's legacy is Slavoj Zizek, who argues that terror in the cause of virtue is justifiable, and Simon Schama, who believes the road from Robespierre ran ...

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema

A hilarious introduction, using as examples some of the best films ever made, to some of Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek's most exciting ideas on personal subjectivity, fantasy and reality, desire and sexuality.

Antigone, How Dare We!

Antigone, How Dare We!

Based on motifs from The Triple Life of Antigone by Slavoj Žižek, this film reflects on today’s planet and political “chaos” by placing the politicians, the decision-makers and the influencers of today in the roles of Žižek’s version of the ancient Greek drama Antigone. But what are the politicians roles? Does the Antigone of today represent populists, anti-migrants and fundamentalists, or those who would oppose them?

The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

A journey into the labyrinthine heart of ideology, which shapes and justifies both collective and personal beliefs and practices: with an infectious zeal and voracious appetite for popular culture, Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek analyzes several of the most important films in the history of cinema to explain how cinematic narrative helps to reinforce prevailing ethics and political ideas.

Happiness: Capitalism vs. Marxism

Happiness: Capitalism vs. Marxism

On February, April 19, 2019, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson debated Marxist philosopher Dr. Slavoj Zizek.

Predictions of Fire

Predictions of Fire

A visceral documentary focusing on the Slovenian collective art movement known as NSK ('Neue Slowenische Kunst') and its varied branches: 'Laibach', 'Irwin', and 'Red Pilot'.

Slavoj Žižek Birthday Special: Politics, Philosophy, and Hardcore Pornography

Slavoj Žižek Birthday Special: Politics, Philosophy, and Hardcore Pornography

An hour long interview with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek made by Russia Today for his 70th birthday. In this documentary Žižek answers questions from the public in regards to politics and ideology, gender and sex, philosophy and psychoanalysis, hardcore pornography and sexual liberation in the West, in his usual style of polemics and comedy.

Laibach ‎– A Film from Slovenia

Laibach ‎– A Film from Slovenia

In the video film shots from the tour are interspersed with acted scenes, video clips and theoretical reflections of Slavoj Žižek and critic Chris Bohn. Together they form a compelling story about Laibach, controversial Slovene music group in the eighties.