Movies by Vojtěch Vondráček

Divadlo Na zábradlí: Tajný agent

Divadlo Na zábradlí: Tajný agent

Macbeth: Too Much Blood

Macbeth: Too Much Blood



The real fate of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský, a prominent hermeticist, occultist, believer in black magic and an exceptionally well-educated person with a brilliant memory. This avid book lover had doctorates in law, theology and philosophy and was fluent in five languages. He was interested in occult teachings, practiced magical ceremonies, was in contact with the Freemasons, but at the same time he was a member of the National Fascist Community while being homosexual. During the war he cooperated with the Nazis, after the war with the communist ...

Martin Fruwein osmadvacátý odsouzený

Martin Fruwein osmadvacátý odsouzený

The Three Princesses

The Three Princesses

A narrative fairy tale in which three different princesses - clever Sophie, brave Leona and beautiful Flora - embark on a journey full of pitfalls and adventures. They must find courage and help each other to overcome the difficult tasks that await them along the way. All of this to save their kingdom from the dark threat of Queen Mortana. She desperately wants eternal youth and is willing to destroy nature and wage war to do so. In order to succeed Princesses must not only join forces, but also use all their wit, strength and charm. If at ...