Movies by Otakar Brousek

Hliněný vozíček

Hliněný vozíček

Vánoční koncert se souborem Virtuosi di Praga

Vánoční koncert se souborem Virtuosi di Praga

Mykolko – hop!

Mykolko – hop!

Známost sestry Aleny

Známost sestry Aleny

Andělská tvář

Andělská tvář

Pohár za první poločas

Pohár za první poločas

No Entrance

No Entrance

In the Valley of Neretva

In the Valley of Neretva

It shows the Neretva river from its source to the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The document also captures the original four-hundred-year-old bridge in Mostar.

Sport 1969

Sport 1969

The Hussites

The Hussites

What if the events in a key era in our history were actually completely different than what our history textbooks try to tell us? What if Master Jan Hus didn't even get warm in Constance, let alone burn up? What if Jan Zizka had more than one healthy eye? This animated comedy from director Pavel Koutský playfully breaks the myths about the Hussite era as the pedestal of history is occupied not by preachers and military leaders but by two unbelievable scatterbrains, who become the heroes of their time against their will.



Stařeček vavříny vídeňské slávy ověnčený aneb Zpronevěra

Stařeček vavříny vídeňské slávy ověnčený aneb Zpronevěra

Vůně benzínu

Vůně benzínu

Lov na mamuta

Lov na mamuta

A young man tries to enter the building of the Mammoth Cybernetic Supermachines Research Institute again and again but each time the doorkeeper spots him and kicks him out. The youth finally arrives with all his friends and a huge live bear from the circus where he works as an accountant. He is finally allowed in where he explains to the members of the directorate that he wants to work at the Institute, since he graduated in cybernetics and, besides, he has invented a machine for forecasting time of death. When the conniving research manager...

Potrhlá Andula

Potrhlá Andula

Nepovedený čert

Nepovedený čert

Profesoři za školou

Profesoři za školou

Velká cena ČSR

Velká cena ČSR



Zatykač na královnu

Zatykač na královnu