Movies by Yehuda Barkan

Eagles Attack At Dawn
Eli is an Israeli soldier who manages to escape from a notorious Arab prison. He makes it back to Israel, where he finds Beno, another soldier who had spent 2 years of horror in the same prison. They organize a rescue operation against the prison. The soldiers must use both cunning and boldness if they are to help their fellow Israelis regain their freedom.

Writer Jake Blackburn and his model girlfriend Chelly are a new couple living together in LA. When Chelly's tragic past begins to catch up with her, she and Jake will need more than psychics and spirits to save their relationship.

Escape to the Sun
Two young university students wish to escape the oppressive Soviet Union. But their plans are monitored by the KGB, who try to intimidate them. One of them is taken into custody and tortured, which spurs them to make an escape attempt that could cost them their lives