Movies by Martin Huba
Kouzelníkův návrat
Nežný revolucionár
Talks with TGM
On 26 September 1928, Karel Capek and President T.G. Masaryk meet in the gardens of Topolcianky castle to decide about the fate of their joint literary work. Their fiction film dialogue is based on quotes from a future book and their mutual correspondence, considerably freeing the original format of literary conversation from binding conventions. Capek and Masaryk reproach and offend each other, but they also ask key personal questions and questions about the social functions of a writer and politician respectively. "It's a film about two ex...
Milan Čorba
Quo vadis Zivorad!?
Zivorad, unassuming young man from the village, is 'pushed' from his uncle to high positions, becoming a police inspector who is looking for hashish, a scientist, a man who rises agriculture land and whatnot...
Marína, Marilyn a tie ďalšie...
Parížsky život
Hniezdo na ôsmom poschodí
O vánoční hvězdě
Čokoládový hrdina
Cudzím vstup zakázaný
Play mam'zelle Nitouche
Slabé srdce
Vojvodkyňa z Amalfi