Movies by Oldřich Slavík
Skandál v Březůvce
Strom vědění dobrého

The Explosion Will Be at Five
This tale is about young Ludvik (Robert Nespor) an erstwhile, budding scientist whose practical sense leads him to experiment before his common sense has figured out the results. Due to that unfortunate pattern, he variously floods the bathroom while working on displacement of volume and weight in water, he shatters the harvest pumpkins but not the law of gravity, and now he is eyeing the neighbor's rabbits for an electricity experiment. While the rabbits remain safe for awhile, Ludvik's parents wish he would follow in their more traditional...
Jak měl Rumcajs Cipíska
Zlatá panna
Případ korneta Jelagina
Prokop Diviš
Před premiérou
Domácí strava je domácí strava
Zbojníci a žandáři aneb Jánošík
Zločincem proti své vůli
Soudce a drahokam
Míček Flíček
Hmotná zodpovědnost
Trpká chuť slávy