Movies by Gladden James

Paradise Island
The south sea island Tonga is full of plantations and scoundrels. Ellen Bradford arrives expecting marriage to respectable and successful plantation owner only to find he is a drunk and gambler. Being the only white woman she is the desire of scoundrels and cut-throats.

The Mystery of the Double Cross
Originally written for Pearl White, this silent serial is a great action-packed adventure starring Molly King and Leon Bary. This serial had fifteen chapters, each one two reels in length. The chapters were: 1. The Lady in Number '7' 2. The Masked Stranger 3. An Hour to Live 4. Kidnapped 5. The Life Current 6. The Dead Come Back 7. Into Thin Air 8. The Stranger Disposes 9. When Jail Birds Fly 10. The Hole-in-the-Wall 11. Love's Sacrifice 12. Riddle of the Double Cross 13. The Face of the Stranger 14. The Hidden Brand 15. Mystery of the Doubl...

The Third Degree
An expose of the methods used by a police-department to extract a confession from a suspect, regardless of innocence or guilt, and the effect and consequences on a family when an innocent member breaks under the interrogation methods and confesses to a crime he did not commit.

Channing of the Northwest
A foppish Londoner joins the Royal Canadian Mounties and tries to break a smuggling ring.

Weary River
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.

A Clouded Name
To avoid seeing Marjorie Dare, Jim Allen visits Stewart Leighton at the latter's country home. (Five years earlier Jim's engagement to Marjorie Dare was broken when her mother was killed and his father disappeared.) Through certain circumstance Marjorie also becomes Leighton's guest, and Jim moves out into the woods. There he meets Smiles, a little girl in the care of strange old Ben Tangleface. Leighton wishes to wed Marjorie for her money and is trying forcefully to persuade her to accept him when Jim comes to the rescue. But Ben, his memo...

Runaway Romany
Press agent "Inky" Ames, in a quandary to publicize showgirl Anitra St. Clair, convinces her to paint a birthmark on her shoulder and pose as millionaire mine owner Theodore True's long-lost daughter.

A Million Bid
Agnes Belgradin is in love with a young doctor, Loring Brent. When Agnes' father dies, her mother takes her on a trip abroad. She insists that the young couple separate before they set sail, and promises that if they still love each other after a year they can reunite. But Mrs. Belgradin intercepts all the letters Agnes and Brent write one another, and convinces her daughter to marry a wealthy Australian millionaire.

The Hound of Silver Creek
Molly White, the new schoolmistress at Silver Creek, makes the acquaintance of Jack Brooks, a wealthy eastern sportsman, when his pedigreed police dog, Dynamite, saves her from serious injury, and they become fast friends.

The Girl He Didn't Buy
Produced by small-scale firm Peerless, this silent melodrama told the ancient story of the girl whose refusal to "put out" loses her a chance for stage prominence.
Etta of the Footlights
Etta Lang, a chorus girl, is the principal support of an invalid mother and her sister and brother, not only working at the theater, but looking after their small boarding house. Among their lodgers is Brutus Bellamy, an old actor. He becomes interested in the girl, and offers to teach her acting. She learns rapidly. She arrives at the theater late and is abused by the stage manager, Joseph Burton. Cecil Wentworth, one of the backers of the theater, takes her part and becomes interested in her.

Who's Your Brother?

Driftin' Sands
A drifter nicknamed "Driftin' Sands" is hired by a wealthy rancher to protect his spoiled daughter. Driftin', of course, falls for the lady and is immediately banished from the ranch.

The Decoy
Glory Moore, a young girl, finds herself left unprovided for after her father's death, as the farm has to be sold to pay his debts.
Song Bird of the North
Haywood, a suitor for the hand of Elida Rumsey, is severely reprimanded by her for not enlisting when President Lincoln calls for volunteers. Being deeply interested in the cause, Elida goes and helps Mrs. Pomeroy minister to sick and wounded soldiers. She becomes a favorite with the men, for she frequently sings to them. This attracts the attention of Lincoln

The Midnight Bride
While waiting on a New York park bench for the return of her friends, country girl Jeanne Sterling meets Forrest Chenoweth, a rich young wastrel who, while drunk, registered for a marriage license with fortune-hunting Helen Dorr. Enchanted with Jeanne's innocence, Forrest proposes to Jeanne, and they are married by an alderman friend of Forrest's with the license that Forrest had taken out with Helen. That night Forrest drinks too much, falls in his room and kills himself. The scandal appears in the papers, forcing Jeanne to confess the marr...

His Brother's Keeper
Rex Radcliffe, vice president of the Northern Atlantic Railroad, is opposed by company president William Harding in his desire to put over a deal that would jeopardize the stockholders of the Interstate Railroad. Using thought control, he causes Weer, Harding's discharged secretary, to murder his ex-boss. Weer is arrested for the murder. Radcliffe then puts Harding's daughter, Helen, also under his influence. John Bonham, Interstate president, becomes interested in the case, and with the aid of Mrs. Weer he exposes Radcliffe, who then commit...

Babbling Tongues
When elderly Joseph Moreau and his young wife Therese offer refuge to starving young dramatist Paul Savary, gossips begin to spread rumors of a love affair between the wife and the writer. For the good of all concerned, Paul moves into separate quarters. One day Paul overhears the gossip again at a café and challenges the purveyor of the lie to a duel. Moreau, for his own satisfaction, takes Paul's place in combat and is mortally wounded. Moreau staggers to Paul's apartment where he discovers Therese, who has come to beg the writer to refuse...
The Antique Engagement Ring
George Darrel presents Helen Gray, his fiancée, with a very valuable engagement ring of antique design, which is an heirloom. They have a serious quarrel over Dave Brower, one of her friends, and Darrel leaves for the west.
In Swift Waters
A foolish suitor gains favor in a girl's eyes when he pretends to have saved her life. When the truth is known, she rejects him for the real hero.