Movies by Michel Ocelot

The Legend of the Poor Hunchback
On her throne, a princess welcomes her suitors under the watchful eye of her family and the kingdom. Down below, amongst the crowd, struggles a poor hunchback.

The Four Wishes of the Villein and of His Wife
Saint Martin grants the peasant and his wife four wishes. All we can do now is hope they get everything to live happily ever after. Based on a XIVth century fable.

The Hidden Treasures of Michel Ocelot
I told a story, Kirikou and the Sorceress, that reached a large number of people. It was the first time in my life. But this film was not my first one. I had also made short films, with a very limited distribution. Nobody saw them. I am lucky enough now to introduce them to you, to make these little mechanisms run again; they are the result of perseverance and passion. Besides the almost forgotten past, I have added a dance of today, which I conceived for Björk. Also something of the future, a post-scriptum to my film "Azur & Asmar". In addi...

The Three Inventors
In a white lace universe, three inventors create machines which are both pretty and useful. Unfortunately people do not understand them...

La Belle Époque de Michel Ocelot