Movies by Rebecca Immanuel

A Heidelberg Holiday

A Heidelberg Holiday

Heidi heads to the Heidelberg Christmas market to sell her hand-painted ornaments. While there, she falls for a local artisan who helps her reconnect with her lost heritage.

Die vier Gerechten

Die vier Gerechten

Lord Paddington, an honorable member of society, is blown up with a small tennis ball. "Die vier Gerechten" are not of this opinion, however: "Sentenced to death and executed for countless crimes" they leave at the scene. More honorable personalities must die before the perfume Higgins betrays the murderer and exposes the honorable personalities as heads of the organized trafficking of girls.

Sehnsucht nach Rimini

Sehnsucht nach Rimini

Das Schloss des Grauens

Das Schloss des Grauens

There is good reason for Sir Douglas Wonderly to summon the family and a lawyer to his stately home. He wants to announce a change in his will. At the same time, a dangerous mental patient escapes from a nearby psychiatric ward. Higgins and Lane are put on his trail. But the arrest of the psychopath proves to be extremely difficult. Shortly thereafter, a mysterious hooded man is on the loose in the castle. He frightens Sir Wonderly so much that the old man suffers a shock and falls into a coma. But that's not all: the will suddenly disappear...



German TV adaptation of the famous fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood“, “Red Riding Hood“ or “Little Red Cap“.

Die Hochzeitsverplaner

Die Hochzeitsverplaner

Frauen lügen besser

Frauen lügen besser