Movies by Beatrice Van
Help! Help! Hydrophobia!
The professor does not approve of his daughter's suitor. His disapproval is so marked that it is finally noticed by said swain, Tim Brown, when he is kicked out of the house by the father of his lady love, and he resolves to be careful in the future and not be subjected to further indignities.
Passions, He Had Three
Henry is a big, fat country boy with three passions. He likes eggs, milk and girls. He steals the eggs from the nests, sucks their contents, and refills the shells with water. When the family sit down to breakfast and the shells are broken the crime is discovered and Farmer Jones places a big bear trap, covered with straw, in front of the nests.

Who Was the Other Man?
While waiting in a hotel lobby for instructions from his government, Ludwig Schumann, an agent of the Black Legion, is enchanted by Marion Washburn, the daughter of a Texas senator. As he is about to speak to the girl, Schumann is stunned to see a young American enter who could be his double. The American is James Walbert, whom Schumann's contact mistakes for the agent. The contact passes to Walbert a photograph of a woman spy, Wanda Bartell, whom the agent is to meet aboard a steamer. Walbert realizes the mistake and determines to protect h...