Movies by Tonatiuh Elizarraraz

Kiss of the Spider Woman
An adaptation of the stage musical based on the novel about a gay man and a political prisoner sharing a 1980s Argentinean prison cell. The gay man narrates the stories of two fake movies and his own life.
Roses on the Vine
During a scorching Los Angeles summer, a single dad food delivery gig worker with a checkered past and his mischievous seven year old daughter crisscross the city on his scooter each day as they do whatever it takes to scrape by.

Drunk Bus
A directionless, young campus bus driver and a punk rock Samoan security guard named Pineapple form an unlikely kinship as they navigate the unpredictable late shift shit show known as the "drunk bus." Together, they break out of their endless loop and into a world of uncertainty, excitement and incredibly poor decision-making.

Get the Life
A transgender teenager faces an unwanted pregnancy and risks losing everything he loves in order to live courageously.