Movies by Nur Sürer

From an intoxicating fantasy to a dangerous affair, a wealthy married woman finds her life irreversibly shattered after picking up an unpublished novel.

A midwife is caught in a snowstorm on the way to Anatolia and forced to spend four months in an isolated village., where she’s soon tending sick children and delivering babies.

Children of Secret
Ten years old Cemil runs away from his stepfather who tortures him and his mother and ends up in Istanbul. Veli Firat Tanis, the leader of a gang which Cemil takes refuge in Haydarpasa, tries to send him back to his home by putting his pocket money. While the gang gather money for Cemil, they, at the same time, suffer from harsh living conditions. In the mean time Cemil's mother Münevver comes to Istanbul in the hope of finding her son.

Suyun Öte Yanı

On Fertile Lands
The tragic story of three farm worker who migrates from their village to the cotton land Çukurova.

Scenes I Imagine
Hayalimdeki Sahneler aims to explain and analyze scenes from 3 heavily queer coded Turkish films from 80s.

Ramazan, together with his children, migrate to the big city, Istanbul in order to give them a better life. His daughter Fidan begins working as a clerk at a shop. But she could not adapt to the life of big city. She runs away with the son of the shop owner. Ramazan searches for his daughter, but the big city already has corrupted his daughter

Revenge of the Snakes
Kara Bayram is a poor farmer living in a Turkish village with his wife, 3 kids (4th on the way) and his old mother Irazca Ana. They live on their own until another villager, Haceli who is backed up by the Mukhtar (local administrator of the Village) starts to build a new house right in front of their's. Kara Bayram and Irazca Ana do not accept these uninvited neighboors from the first day and unwanted events start right away.