Movies by Tedd Pierce

Wholly Smoke
A neighborhood bully convinces Porky to take a puff from his cigar, causing Porky to hallucinate a smoke-man named Nick O. Teen, along with a musical number done by cigars, cigarettes and pipes in the likeness of the 3 Stooges, etc.

Scent-imental Over You
Striving to be like all the high-class dogs in their fine coats, a little hairless pooch borrows a black and white fur coat of her owner, not realizing it makes her appear to be a skunk. Once she has it on, she finds everyone fleeing from her - everyone, that is, except for the amorous Pepé Le Pew.

A Star Is Hatched
Emily the chicken lives in Hickville but dreams of Hollywood. Her chance comes when director J. Megga-Phone happens to drive past and gives her his card.

The Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall
Three fun-loving, morally upright brothers from Pimento University save their fiancée from their fiendish archenemy, Dan Backslide, in this spoof of the Rover Boys.

Milk and Money
Porky's father is going to lose his farm. Porky goes to town with his horse and works a milk route, with a warning that if he breaks a bottle he's fired. As he's delivering, cats follow along behind draining the bottles. Meanwhile, Hank Horsefly follows them into town. He stings Dobbin, who crashes and breaks many bottles. They happen upon a horse race and accidentally enter; the horse is merely plodding along until it gets stung again.

Tortoise Wins by a Hare
Bugs challenges Cecil Turtle to race, only this time he's wearing an aerodynamic suit like Cecil's. Unfortunately, the gambling ring has bet everything on the rabbit, and Bugs now looks like a tortoise.

Hold the Lion, Please
A lion wants to prove he's still "King of the Jungle" and, to prove it, he hunts rabbit.

The Mouse-Merized Cat
Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Jimmy Durante, then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.

A Tale of Two Mice
Babitt and Catstello return; their goal: steal the cheese the cat is guarding.

Stealin Aint Honest
Olive has a map that shows the location of her secret gold mine, but while she's showing it to Popeye, claim jumper Bluto photographs it and gets there first.

Little Blabbermouse
A mouse, imitating W.C. Fields, leads a nighttime tour of a closed drugstore for other mice, that include a very inquisitive little boy.

Ding Dog Daddy
A dumb mutt falls in love with the metal statue of a greyhound.

Bell Hoppy
Sylvester has been "blackballed" out of membership to the Loyal Order of Alley Cats Mouse and Chowder Club again. To gain the long-coveted membership, the Grand Master offers to let the lisping puddy tat place a big bell around the neck of the largest mouse he can find, so the cats can pounce on the mouse when they hear the bell. Just as that's going on, Hippety Hopper escapes from a city zoo truck. It's not long before he encounters the hapless Sylvester. Each attempt to place the bell around Hippety's neck ends with Sylvester wearing the b...

The Mighty Navy
Popeye joins the US Navy and routs the enemy in a one-man battle, but not before he causes his commanding officer plenty of aggravation.

Little Red Walking Hood
Red walks past a pool hall; the wolf sees her and pursues. But Red is oblivious to his come-ons.

Many Tanks
Bluto's in the Army; he tries to sneak off base, but can't. Popeye passes by, Bluto invites him in, then swaps uniforms. Popeye ends up in a tank drill.

Porky's Hero Agency
Porky is reading the Greek myth of the gorgon, who turned everyone she looked at into stone. Mother tells him it's bedtime; he dreams of being Porkykarkus, the hero that saves Greece.

Scrap Happy Daffy
During World War Two, Daffy Duck owns a junkyard which collects scrap metal to use in building weapons to continue the Allied fight against the Axis powers. Hitler reads about Daffy's scrap pile and about Daffy's stated intent to win the war with junk and, after throwing a fit and chewing a carpet like a mad dog, orders Daffy's scrap pile destroyed.

The Major Lied 'Til Dawn
We open on a big game hunter telling a little boy (a caricture of child star Freddie Bartholomew) stories about hunting in the jungles of Africa. He tells him a story about a day he was hunting there. The game hunter gets help from African natives to catch some animals, with some odd results. Sight gags include an elephant who can't remember something he was supposed to do, and the game hunter riding a elephant and having to "shift gears" like an automobile to get up a steep hill.

Fox Pop
Hearing that silver foxes are all the rage in high society, a fox paints himself silver and gets himself trapped, finding out too late that it's only his fur anyone is interested in.