Movies by Tsuyoshi Muro

Once Upon a Crime
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?

HK: Forbidden Super Hero
High school student Kyosuke Shikijo is the most talented member of the school's martial arts of the fist club. His late father was detective and Kyosuke share his father's strong sense of justice. Kyosuke also has a secret. Kyosuke likes to wear female underwear and transforms himself into the alter ego "Hentai Kamen," wearing female underwear and gaining superhuman powers. This unusual interest also comes from his parents, with his father a masochist and his mother a sadist. By chance, Kyosuke gets the underwear of female high school studen...

HK: Hentai Kamen 2 - Abnormal Crisis
News about the disappearance of panties is still being covered every day. Kyosuke still wears Aiko Completo's panties to battle evil. Meanwhile, Aiko has mixed emotions and decides to get her panties back. Kyosuke suffers from the loss of Aiko's panties and disappears, but his biggest enemy yet is about to materialise.

The Curtain Rises
Saori is a high school student at a provincial city. She is a member of playgroup at her school. Yoshioka begins to work at the same high school as a new teacher. Yoshioka performed in plays when she was in college back in Tokyo. Saori, Yukko, Garuru, Nakanishi, Akemi decides to compete in a play competition. Their goal is to make it through the regional competions, but Teacher Yoshioka tells them their aiming low and that they should think about the national competition.

Destiny: The Tale of Kamakura
Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld...

Tokyo Twins Athletic Tournament
Having cleared the preliminaries, twenty-four pairs of twins face gargantuan challenges on an enormous athletic field. On this man-made island in Tokyo Bay, the bonds between twins are pushed to the limit in the Ultimate Athletic Tournament! The tournament consists of three insanely difficult obstacle courses. Teamwork and human drama are forged within these grueling challenges. Participants are limited to twins, but exactly what constitutes a "twin" is unclear, resulting in some unusual pairings. In the past, controversial appearances have ...

Adapted from the video game series of the same name, NiNoKuni follows high school peers Yuu and Haru who must travel between two separate yet parallel worlds to help save their childhood friend, Kotona, whose life is in danger. In this magical quest complicated by love, the three teens will be tasked with making the ultimate choice.

Gold Medal Man
Senichi was born in 1964, when the entire nation was excited about the Tokyo Olympics. As an elementary student, Senichi won a footrace and got a taste of what winning felt like. Since then, Senichi takes part in various competitions including drawing and usually wins. He keeps struggling to win gold medals at competitions.

Dance with Me
Suzuki Shizuka is an office lady at a conglomerate who is hypnotized at a local amusement park and left under the spell. Now she is compelled to sing and dance whenever she hears any melody whatsoever. She heads back to the hypnotist for relief, but he is nowhere to be found. So Shizuka sets off on a journey around Japan to find him and break the spell.

Psychic Kusuo
Born a powerful psychic, high schooler Kusuo Saiki craves the simple life. But the weirdos in his class make it difficult to conceal his abilities.

God Seeks in Return
A heartwarming, yet bittersweet love story between a man seeking something in return and a woman who repays kindness with betrayal.

My Daddy
Kazuo Mido is a pastor at a small church. He lost his wife 8 years ago and raises his only daughter, a junior high school student, singlehandedly. When she is diagnosed with an illness, he undergoes a drastic change.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
An effervescent musical about one of the most unlikely couples seen on screen: two Otaku intent on hiding their nerdiness from their colleagues!

Rose Color's Buko
Sachiko is an university student. Her nickname is Buko, because she has been negative about everything since she was young. Sachiko believes someday she will meet a man like in a romance manga. Her university life is boring and she spends her time reading romance manga in her room. One day, on Twitter, she meets a man who uses the user ID of Sparrow. He likes reading manga and looks like Johnny Depp. Sachiko makes a date to meet the man. She tries to change herself, but it's not so easy due to various unexpected incidents.

Kidnap Tour
Haru is a rather cool fifth-grade elementary school student who shares the same tastes as her mother’s younger sister Yuko (Kaho) and can tell Yuko what she really feels. On the first day of the summer vacation, Haru is kidnapped. The culprit is her free-spirited father Takashi who disappeared from home two months ago.

Migawari Mission
A new film by Hayato Kawai.

Two Homelands
In the Pearl Harbor era, a second-generation Japanese-American grapples with his identity amid the turmoil of World War II. Born in Los Angeles and educated in Japan, he returns to the USA and works at a Japanese newspaper. However, the outbreak of war and a racist executive order forcefully deport his entire family to a detention center in California. Torn between his American upbringing and Japanese heritage, he decides to serve as a translator and goes to war.

Riverside Mukolitta
Ex-con Takeshi Yamada eludes his past by relocating to a quaint rural village in the Hokuriku region. There, he begins to work at a small factory which makes shiokara (salted fish paste). Through the efforts of his boss, Takeshi moves into a nearby, dilapidated apartment complex. One afternoon, Takeshi’s vociferously eccentric neighbor Kozo Shimada barges into Takesh’s unit and demands a bath in Takeshi’s personal lavatory. With the metaphorical ice broken, Takeshi eventually emerges from his shell and warms to a friendship with Kozo and the...

Ushijima the Loan Shark
Mirai Suzuki (Yuko Oshima) becomes responsible for her mother's debt which is owed to loan shark Kaoru Ushijima (Takayuki Yamada). To begin paying off her mother's debt, Mirai begins working at a dating cafe. Meanwhile, Jun (Kento Hayashi) is the ambitious and greedy company president for an event group. To borrow money, Jun visits Kaukau Finance owned by Kaoru Ushijima.