Movies by Mirei Kiritani

Once Upon a Crime
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?

To battle a malicious monster, five women are gathered in front of Commander Charles against their will. The five women are selected because they each have a family name that represents a color. The five women are filled with doubts about what they are able to do collectively, but they go up against the monster using their lethal technique "Women Tornado". The five women can only use the "Women Tornado" when they are all gathered together.

No Longer Heroine
Hatori Matsuzaki is a female high school student. She has a crush on her childhood friend Rita Terasaka and believes he will eventually choose her as her heroine, but Rita Terasaka begins dating Miho Adachi. Meanwhile, the most popular male student, Kosuke Hiromitsu takes an interest in Hatori Matsuzaki.

Vampire in Love
Kiira seems like an ordinary young girl, who likes to talk with her friends and to dress up. Her ultimate goal is to become the world's best baker, but what differentiates her from others is that she is a vampire. She has never told anyone her secret, including her childhood friend Tetsu, whom she played with everyday and liked as a child. After her parents died when Kiira was only 12-years-old, she had to go live with her relatives and lost contact with Tetsu. Now, 8 years later, Tetsu appears at the bakery where Kiira is working part-time...

Crying 100 Times - Every Raindrop Falls
Shuichi had a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. Because of the accident, he lost the last year of his memory. One day, at a friend's wedding, Shuichi has a fateful meeting with Yoshimi. They enjoy happy times together and Shuichi thinks about marrying Yoshimi. Then Yoshimi becomes sick. A sad truth is hidden in the lost memory of Shuichi.
Snow Flake
A college student in Hakodate, Japan lost her best friend 10 years ago. Since the tragic loss the girl hasn't talked. One day, the girl is asked to write a comment about a "forget-me-not" on a website. She writes about letting go of the past and to focus on the present day. Soon after however a man resembling her childhood friend appears in her life.

I Have To Buy New Shoes
Freelance writer Aoi Teshigahara lives in Paris, France. Sen Yagami is a photographer who came to Paris, France due to his younger sister Suzume's insistance. Over the next 3 days, Aoi Teshigahara and Sen Yagami fall in love. Meanwhile, Suzume meets her boyfriend Kango, whom they have been in a long distance relationship.

Go! Anpanman: Roboly and the Warming Present

Gene Waltz
Doctor Rie (Miho Kanno) is know as the Joan of Ark of Obstetrics & Gynecology. She works in a challenging environment with clinics shutting down due to lack of doctors and the system itself breaking down. Dr. Rie then helps an infertile woman conceive with a surrogate mother which is prohibited in Japan...