Movies by Giedre Jackyte

The Loch Ness Horror
A vanished submarine prompts a rescue operation that leads to the Loch Ness monster. Having escaped the Loch, the creature unleashes decades of pent-up aggression on those it encounters.

The Return of the Salem Witch
A group of students stuck inside for the holidays, unable to drive home due to bad weather conditions, soon find themselves conducting a modern day witch trial.

Dragon Fury: Wrath Of Fire
After surviving the events of the first movie, Vanessa has gone into hiding after being threatened by the government. However, a group of researchers find her and soon convince her to go back to the mountains, and this time, the dragons are more deadly than ever.

Amityville Scarecrow 2
It has been a year since the events of the first movie, and the survivors are about to reopen the camp.. However, something sinister lurks.. And all is not what it seems.