Movies by Cheng Yuen-Man

Yu Pui Tsuen II
Before Michael Mak’s Sex And Zen became a cult favourite in the ’90s, there was Ho Fan’s Yu Pui Tsuen (The Carnal Prayer Mat, 1987). But without sex bomb Amy Yip, coarse humour or lesbian love affairs, Yu Pui Tsuen had to rely on the nudity and sex from his cast of relative unknowns to save the day. When a young man dreams that he drowns after a night of carnal passion, he asks a buddhist monk to translate the experience for him. The monk replies that the dream is a warning not to indulge the pleasures of the flesh to excess, but the man ig...

The Vampire Partner
Two rival gang leaders kill each other in a shootout and end up in hell where they must team up to escape back to the overworld so they can engage in lame comedy while trying to help the woman they attempted to rape get married.

Vampire vs. Sorcerer
action/horror/comedy with ghosts and hopping vampires.