Movies by Juan Luis Buñuel

Luis Buñuel, la transgression des rêves

Luis Buñuel, la transgression des rêves

Based on unpublished interviews with the family, Jean-Claude Carrière, his writer and biographer, family archives, mini-fictions that dramatize the memories evoked and in constant echo with the upcoming films whose images seem to crystallize over the narrative, we wish to reinterpret Luis Buñuel's work through these decisive years, revealing hidden coherence, originality and beauty.



Completed a year after his death in 1983, this program presents the definitive biography of Spain’s renowned Surrealist film maker and iconoclast, Luis Buñuel. Using photographs, film excerpts, and numerous interviews with Bunuel, the video chronicles his early friendships with Salvador Dalí and Federico García Lorca, the stormy reactions to many of his groundbreaking films, and the influence he has had on international cinema. Among those interviewed are directors Federico Fellini, John Huston, and Jose L. Saenz De Heredia; Buñuel’s wife, J...

Los chicos de la foto

Los chicos de la foto