Movies by Michael Anderson

This highly stylized, critically acclaimed film from the 70's mixes silent film cards, a soundscape, color, opera music and atmosphere to explore the Freudian truths about men's fear of women that Wedekind powerfully exposed. A kinetic melodrama of the rise of a femme-fatale and her fate at the hands of Jack-the-Ripper. Rethinking Pabst's silent film and Alban Berg's opera.

No compromise when it's time to die
An intimate portrait of New York artist Michael Anderson during the last year of his life. The film is structured by way of Roberto BolaƱo's novel 2666.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
John, an unattached plumber, meets and falls in love with Jane in an office parking lot, where she has turned up for a job interview.

An innocent game during an opulent weekend at a Scottish castle annoys the sinister housekeeper and causes several family skeletons to rattle in their cupboards.