Movies by Paul Hughes

The Winter Witch
At the behest of her boss, journalist Ingrid returns to her ancestral home when several children are found slaughtered in nearby woodland. With the village suspecting the infamous Winter Witch, together with daughter Eleanor and estranged grandmother Omi, Ingrid must uncover the truth and stop the curse of Frau Perchta once and for all.

Aliens and Atlantis: Stargates and Hidden Realms
Atlantis is known across the world as a myth. But is this really the truth? No matter what cultural history we explore, we discover a story very similar to the one we know about Atlantis...why? For years, experts and researchers have been looking in the wrong place, at the wrong people and for the wrong thing. For too long historians have focused on a few words left to us by Plato whose meaning they misunderstood. The fact is, even Plato didn't understand what had been told to him. The startling truth is that the remnants of Atlantis are all...

David and Goliath
The big-budget, epic film on young King David who took on the mighty warrior Goliath against all odds.

American Illuminati 2
The Illuminati, a secretive group controlling global affairs, influences governments, religion, and business to shape a new world order. Through manipulation of technology, politics, and media, they pursue their sinister agenda, which involves destabilizing nations, promoting terrorism, and controlling information. This documentary exposes their network, revealing connections to powerful organizations and historical events, challenging viewers to confront the unsettling truth about the world's hidden rulers.

UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
UAP is the new military term for UFO. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is a program within US Naval Intelligence implemented to "standardize collection and reporting" of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena. Many say the use of "UAP" is an attempt to better hide the program from civilians but with the acknowledgment of recent UFO videos leaked to the public as real, the time has come for the governments of the world to face the hard question of who are these visitors and why are they here?

Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind
Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? Countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by Alien entities. What is the depth to this conspiracy and what do the government and military factions know?

2020 Nostradamus
Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame (a.k.a. "Nostradamus") predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima, and the 9/11 attacks. Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world. According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror would rise up and set in motion World War III. China would conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology would ...

A Ripper in Canada: Paranormal Hauntings in the Great White North
Evil entities reaching out from beyond the grave, murder victims reliving their grisly demise and lost souls searching for a way home - Canada has no shortage of paranormal tales. Could these events stem from the dying curse of an innocent woman burnt as a witch?

Cage Warriors 145: London
The long-awaited rematch between featherweight rivals Jordan Vucenic and Paul Hughes at the O2 in London, England.

Zap 3000
A comedy short film directed and written by Neill Barry.