Movies by Coby Batty
Herbert White
Michael Shannon stars in the role of Herbert White, a character based on the poem of the same name by Frank Bidart. The story follows Herbert as he works in the lumber industry, supports his family, and stalks and murders women he picks up in town. While Herbert is not exactly sympathetic, viewers are allowed to enter the mind of a serial killer, and realize that most of the time he behaves like everyone else. Movies like “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” have done this before, but to successfully position the audience inside the mind of ...

The Battles for Atlanta
The 145th anniversary of the Battle of Atlanta. The story of this pivotal 1864 Campaign from Tennessee to the Sea is witnessed and told from the common soldier's point of view. Kennesaw Mountain... Cheatham's Hill... Atlanta... Kilpatrick's Raid... Jonesboro... Four large-scale re-enactments between September 4 - 6, 2009; each taking place at the historic Nash Farm Battlefield in Hampton, Georgia.