Movies by Eason Hung

The Grey Men

The Grey Men

The film's story unfolds in the fictional country of Laika and in Hong Kong, China. A police academy student who has not yet graduated, Ashan (played by Gu Bin), is tasked with a dangerous mission. He helps the criminal organization by eliminating obstacles for their leader, Atian (played by An Zhi Jie), in prison. Ashan approaches Atian, gains his trust, and collects evidence against the criminal group. After both of them are released from prison, Ashan assists Atian in rising within the criminal organization in Hong Kong. After enduring nu...

Striking Rescue

Striking Rescue

Former security expert Bai An kidnaps young heiress He Ting, intending to use her to take revenge on her father. However, he inadvertently saves her from a drug cartel massacre. Despite her youth, the resourceful He Ting, now isolated and uncertain of her father’s fate, proposes an alliance with Bai An to search for her missing father. Together, they embark on an unexpected journey that challenges both their motives and trust.