Movies by Andrey Nazimov



Two years after the fall of the alien ship, the life of a young woman from Moscow has been changed forever. Her growing powers are now at the focus of both human and celestial investigation: an alien force takes an interest in her, and will stop short of nothing, including an invasion. Can love and compassion save humanity, when faced with a much greater and more demanding test this time?

Winter Journey

Winter Journey

The film portraits a complicated journey thru life, love and hate of a homosexual in Russia. Before an important audition, the opera teacher recommends sleep, walks and Schubert. Feeling lost, desperate and rebellious, Erik does the exact opposite (except for the Schubert bit), spending his nights with a disillusioned older colleague and excessive amounts of vodka. Erik has a boyfriend but a chance encounter with the semi-criminal Lyokha awakens passion of a whole new caliber in him.



The company of three guys and two girls makes their way to the old funicular to have an unforgettable New Year’s Eve celebration at the top of the mountain. A fun adventure turns into a nightmare when the funicular stops over the abyss. Coldness, height and fear of a slow death make them reveal their true essence and get in a fight with each other.