Movies by Christopher Jones

Joseph F. Smith: The Modern Prophets

Joseph F. Smith: The Modern Prophets

Born in Missouri at the height of mob persecution, denied fatherly guidance at age five and the love of his mother at age thirteen, Joseph F. Smith was reared by the hand of the Lord from orphaned boy to sixth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Witness the faith, devotion and struggles required to drive a team of oxen across the plains, serve numerous missions abroad, withstand the mistreatment of an intolerant nation, and ultimately rise to be a Prophet of God.

The Cinema According to Dalí

The Cinema According to Dalí

A Brief Season

A Brief Season

A young American agent living in Rome meets with a beautiful Swedish translator.

Ancestral World

Ancestral World

A prince must learn to be a hero. In a time of demons and Gods warring for domination, a prince is sent on a mission to rescue his brother and recover a magical armor stolen by the God of Destruction.