Movies by Calvin Picou

The Prodigy
A desperate sex worker named Adam goes into the desert with a man he doesn't know is a burgeoning serial killer. Meanwhile, another young hustler, Lucas, desperate for money, starts forming his own relationship with the dangerous man.

Nothing But Flowers
Ash and Max must question the future of their relationship when Max gets accepted into an East Coast graduate school program. On their final night together, they relive moments of their past before they're interrupted by a surprise going away party.

Here Comes Your Man 2
Aaron is living his own version of the 21st century gay experience. After his breakup, Aaron tries to navigate his new causal relationship with Julio into somewhere more serious. Meanwhile, Jordan settles into Omaha to record his album. Dustin becomes entangled in an online romance while Cassie reignites her romance with Malcolm. A continuation of four friends who are all exploring their own ambitions, relationships and dreams in modern day Los Angeles.