Movies by Tania Garbarski

Man of Steel
A romantic and funny coming-of-age story. Victor, a 13-year-old boy, is desperately looking for his First Kiss. When that First Kiss comes too close, Victor seeks refuge in his imagination, becoming the Man of Steel who has no emotions, because tears will make him rust. But no Man of Steel can resist Fania, a 13-year-old girl, for very long.
The Phoenix
A modest man witnesses the deadly accident of a renowned writer and steals his manuscript. At home the man receives the sequel of the manuscript on the fax, written in the same handwriting. He decides to publish the book under his own name. He becomes very successful, until his fans start to ask for another book.

The Way to Happiness
Saul escaped the coming Shoah as a child by being sent from Vienna to Brussels by a Kindertransport. Now in 1986, he is on the road to resilience and owner of a Delicatessen dedicated to the "Septième Art" - the movies. With Joakin, his protégé, a young Chilean director, they decide to write the story of Saul's childhood and make it into a film. But love comes knocking at his door and confronts him with his past as a hidden child...