Movies by Gus Mercurio

The Blue Lagoon
Two small children and a ship's cook survive a shipwreck and find safety on an idyllic tropical island. Soon, however, the cook dies and the young boy and girl are left on their own. Days become years and Emmeline and Richard make a home for themselves surrounded by exotic creatures and nature's beauty. But will they ever see civilization again?

Survive the Savage Sea
After their 43-foot schooner was stove in by a pod of killer whales, the six members of the Robertson family spend 37 days adrift in the Pacific with no maps, compass, or navigational instruments.They use every survival technique they can as they battle 20-foot waves, marauding sharks, thirst, starvation, and exhaustion.

Raw Deal
In the 1870s, the colonial administrator hires bounty hunter Palmer and gun salesman Ben to wipe out an army of Irish Catholic revolutionaries in their stronghold. Palmer and Ben recruit three gun men to help them and their mission is successful but when they go to get their payment they are trapped by treacherous officials. Ben and Palmer must fight their way to safety.