Movies by Hyung-rae Shim

Invincible Fighter Thunderhawk
An alien villain, who has returned to the peaceful planet Earth, is a good-natured villain trying to avenge Luka for Thunder Hawk. After an attack on the earthlings, Esperman, and Daily, Khan sends Purpur, Momo, and Lizell to attack Thunderhawk, Esperman, and Daily, but often fails. Kan, who used all sorts of sneaky means, such as kidnapping Dr. Yang and kidnapping Chadol, succeeded in deceiving Esperman and Daily by using the trick of killing his subordinates by himself. He gets Esperman and Daily into trouble, but finally, with the help ...

따귀 일곱대

Tyranno's Claw
During the age of worship of dinosaurs, friendship between dinosaurs and human beings, and life-and-death fights are greatly displayed.