Movies by Dino Strano

A group of people come up with provocative or downright nasty sexual scenarios like rape, bestiality, tree branch masturbation, candle masturbation, corncob masturbation, whipping, lesbian orgies, toe masturbation, and bathtub assault.

Two .38 Magnums for a City of Carrion
Franco decides to kill his girlfriend’s pimp, and from there things go bad and he gets beaten up by the henchmen of Gordon Mitchell, who also kidnaps and murders his girlfriend. So Franco buys two Magnum .38’s from a guy called “The Gypsy” and . . . it’s time for revenge.

The Godfather's Advisor
Carolina Miceli, widow of Salvatore Caruso, arrived at the bedside of the dying boss Gaetano Liguoro, tells how, discordant about drug trafficking, the brothers Gaetano and Tony Liguori have opened hostilities against his father Calogero Miceli, backed by politicians.

The Electric Chair
At Santa Monica, during 30s, two contending gangster bands claim for dominance on the city. Willing to solve permanently this situation, Johnny Bello sets an ambush for Jack Lo Dolce’s gang, killing them brutally.

Finders Killers
A farmer returns home from the forest to find his family butchered. He decides to hunt down the murderers.

Senza vergogna
A partially paralyzed teenager is failing to have sex for the first time. He's eager but clumsy and sickly, so the local country girls reject him. He starts to realize that the only affectionate person in his life is his beautiful mother.