Movies by André Antônio

Venus in Nykes
Darling, he came to see me again today. I end every session more shook than the last. Because, unlike all my other patients, he shows no discomfort whatsoever with his sexual freakishness. On the contrary. I maintain my diagnosis: acute melancholia and flight from reality. He goes so deep in his delusion sometimes that he imagines he's some kind of prophet. As if he was part of a cult.

Male Shorts: International V4
The fourth volume of an amazing series, Male Shorts: International V4 features six brand-new short films focusing on men. The 6 short films are: Venus in Nykes [Vênus de Nyke] (2021); The Red Trinket [O Berloque Vermelho] (2021); Ten Times Love (2020); It's Just in My Head [È solo nella mia testa] (2020); Playtime [Giochi] (2021); It Is Not the Brazilian Homosexuals Who Are Perverse, But the Situation in Which They Live [Nicht die brasilianischen Homosexuellen sind pervers, sondern die Situation in der sie leben] (2021).