Movies by Michael Goff

At Stake: Vampire Solutions
Memphis film student, Evan Shandling, decides that his senior film should be about how the economy has effected local businesses. So with that in mind, Evan packs up his camera and heads south into North Mississippi to document one of the hardest hit and most dangerous jobs around, vampire removal. Embedding himself with the small vampire removal company, At Stake: Vampire Solutions (AS:VS), Evan documents, interview and goes on calls with AS:VS workers as they struggle to keep their business afloat and make it to the next day alive.

The Division Among Us
One of the most critical explanations of our political state is how Americans have seemingly split themselves into where they live by their political preferences (Klein, 2020). Using this knowledge, I focus on recent events in American politics to test this rural-urban divide. I interview six participants, three from a rural community, two from an urban community, and one from a suburban community. In these interviews, and in a supplemental survey, I ask how these citizens feel about the 2020 election, the events of January 6th and the curre...