Movies by Nick Stewart

Gildersleeve's Ghost
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.

Sleepover at the End of the World
As international tensions are on the rise and the threat of nuclear fallout becomes increasingly hard to ignore, estranged sisters Melanie and Olivia spend a night burying the hatchet of past disagreements in the face of their apocalyptic doom

Warm Blood
The plague is already here. Pesticides, lies and Paranoia. Tractor beams in the vineyards. A yellow dust coats everything. Everyone is sleepwalking. Steam under the hood. Gravel in the mouth. Tom and Red are back on the road and Red tells Tom to pull over. Reagan delivers the State of the Union on the radio. A body was found next to the river. The sickness is growing.