Movies by Scott Monahan

Eating Cars
Max, a failed writer, goes in search of her estranged girlfriend while simultaneously, trying to unload a large quantity of drugs she stole off her bosses to pay for a trip back East to care for her dying mother. She also might have her dead sister in the trunk of her car.

Yes, Daddy
A quick and dirty short about avoiding the moment.

When Elliott, a tough ex-boxing champion, accepts the challenge to train Toni, the two mismatched characters form an unlikely alliance. Their sparring and Elliott's keen insights show the resilient young fighter that real strength comes from the challenges you overcome when life throws its biggest punches your way.

Sour Party
Sour Party follows Gwen and James, two broke, flailing 30-somethings on a quest to scrounge money from a collection of low lives and failed artists in an attempt to show up to Gwen's sister's baby shower with a proper gift.

I Was a Teenage Wereskunk
A comedy homage to the drive-in monster movies of the 50s.