Movies by Brett Eidman

Superstorm: A Love Story

Superstorm: A Love Story

Jim, a retired football player, and his girlfriend Amy go to his cabin for the weekend. Confusing whose weekend it was to have the cabin, Jim's ex-wife, Kate, and her boyfriend Miller also go to the cabin for the weekend. A massive snow storm traps the four inside the house to deal with their relationship issues.

Guy Friends

Guy Friends

When Jaime, a self-described "guy's girl," and her boyfriend break up, all of her guy friends simultaneously profess their secret, undying love for her.

Return to the Theatre of Terror

Return to the Theatre of Terror

A mysterious projectionist in abandoned movie house plays host to a young intruder and offers him the chance to watch four spine-tingling tales of terror on the big screen.

Good Session

Good Session

Jeff has his first therapy session. Unfortunately, the doctor may have more issues than he does.