Movies by Eddie Redway
The Fable of the Manoeuvres of Joel and Father's Second Time on Earth
Old man Suggs was feeling Kippy one day, so his son Joel, a little short of pocket money, persuades him to sign over all his property to him, and relieve the old gent of all the worry, he said. Shortly after, Joel got a hunch that the old Duffer was a nuisance, so sent him to the home for the destitute.
The Fable of the Coming Champion Who Was Delayed
The coming "champ" decides he is so good he can go around a Dub like a Cooper around a Barrel.
Three Little Powders
Mrs. Wallace Williams is much given to conversation and, when she and her husband have a word battle, she of course wins out, making her husband exceedingly cross.

The Fable of the 'Good Fairy'
Once there was a broad girl who had nothing to do except the two-by-four midget known as her husband, so she decided to help the poor. She thought it was a big help to the lowly and uncultured to see what a real razmataz lady was like, so when she was all hooked up behind, she galloped forth to do things to the poor.

Sweedie the Swatter
Mrs. Highstrung's maid leaves her at a very inopportune time, as she has just received a telegram from some friends that they will arrive in the city in time for luncheon. Jim, the hired man, tells her of a good Swedish cook and Mrs. Highstrung sends him post haste after her.

The Epidemic
Argentino Boldo has a valuable book in his possession that Texas Tommy, Hesitation Nell and One-Step McGinnis desire to appropriate. The hero. Prancing Daly, and his sweetheart, Tango Kate, try to prevent the intruders from stealing the book. The tangoists have a lively time, which brings about many comical scenes.

The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine
The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine