Movies by Gwyneth Strong
Dark Water
In order to enjoy a romantic private swim together, Jo and Eddie hide when their local swimming pool is closing for the evening. But unknown to them, a killer is on the loose - and in the building with them.

The Factory
A factory's workforce is dwindling as divisions between the workers and management widen.

MIRIAM: "Here we are; celebrating a marriage, eating a cake, drinking, standing in a uniform, standing in a canteen ... with a Teasmade and a red red garter ... and I want an explanation." VALERIE: "I want to know why you all resent me." BRENDA: "Because you're not one of us."

Early Struggles
Kevin's wife walked out, and left him holding the baby. No sleep, dirty nappies - and a career in pop music at risk. And ahead lies a visit to the clinic. Will Kevin succeed as a mother?