Movies by Trent Harris

Memories of Overdevelopment

Memories of Overdevelopment

An intellectual leaves the Cuban revolution and 'underdevelopment' behind only to find himself at odds with the ambiguities of his new life in the 'developed' world. A portrait of alienation, of an outsider with no clear-cut politics or ideology. A stranger in a strange land struggling with old age, sexual desire and ultimately the impossibility for the individual to belong in any society. The film's narrative is a collage of flashbacks, daydreams, and hallucinations comprising live-action, animation, and newsreel footage assembled to sugges...

The Cement Ball of Earth, Heaven, And Hell

The Cement Ball of Earth, Heaven, And Hell

Aki Ra join­ed Pol Pot's mur­der­ous Khmer Rouge army at the age of nine. Twenty years later he roams the mine­fields of Cambo­dia in search of redemp­tion. Armed only with a stick and a pock­et­knife Aki seeks out and destroys some of the six million land­mines that infect his home. Shot in mine­fields, this film cont­ains footage that reveals just how dan­gerous Aki Ra's obsession is.