Movies by Chuck Hayward
The Fargo Phantom
This entry in Universal's series of "Musical Westerns" shorts has Tex Williams, assisted by Deuce Spriggins and Smokey Rogers, bringing his six guns, fists and singing abilities against a gang of stage-robbing bandits. This film was combined with another Tex Williams short, Coyote Canyon, and reissued as the feature-length "Tales of the West No.2.)
Crystal Gazing
Experimental drama set in London during the Thatcher administration involving four characters: Neil, a science-fiction illustrator, who is accidentally killed in Mexico City; Kim, a woman rock musician; Vermilion, an analyst of satellite photography; and Julian, an old friend of the illustrator who has just finished his Ph.D thesis on the fairy-tales of Charles Perrault. Their four lives are closely interlinked as events happen to each of them.