Movies by Robert Cait

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
A captured mustang remains determined to return to his herd no matter what.

Rocky and Bullwinkle
After receiving the key to the city for their heroic efforts, Rocket J. Squirrel notices that Bullwinkle falls in love with a robotic moose. Unbeknownst to him, inside the moose is Boris Badinov, who, along with Natasha Fatale and Fearless Leader, are carrying out another plan to eliminate Rocky & Bullwinkle.

Maxine's Christmas Carol
Hallmark's popular greeting card curmudgeon is ready to turn Branson's gleeful Christmas season upside down with singing, dancing and, of course, the famous ghosts from Charles Dickens' lively tale.
The Soulmates in the Gift of Light
Wicked Angris McBragg sets out to ruin Christmas by undermining the forces of good. Santa Claus abandons his workshop and Comet, his head reindeer, summons Orion and Orilla, "Soulmates" from another planet. They show the Earth folks that if they believe in themselves they can defeat the evil McBragg.